HaxorID used to be a community website for technology lovers, especially in the field of cyber security to learn, or develop their skills together for educational purposes. This is a place where we learn, a place where we can share information among members for research and share knowledge in the field of cyber security. For no other purpose than education, we learn to search for bugs or vulnerabilities on websites, then exploit them, and analyze them, that way we can know the impact of those vulnerabilities on the affected target and find solutions to these vulnerabilities. For later patching the system and it will not happen a second time. HaxorID is open to all members where we can learn for free with the community system and are not paid or payed to anyone. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic never ending, most of our members have decided to stop doing activities in our community for economic reasons. So we decided that starting June 19, 2021, our community website turn into a global hacking data archive site. More correctly, HaxorID is an archive site that presents data from websites in the world that have been tampered with, hacked, or compromised by intruders. The data is real which is taken in full from reports from third parties who report them.
2021-05-16 : Date Notified (Ours server use date time Asia/Jakarta)
21:45:35 : Time Notified (24 hours format we used)
: Home Defacement (Defacement on index of domain)
M : Mass Defacement (Defacement on the same IP)
R : Redefacement (Redefacement domain that already exists on ours DB)
: Server Location (Country of hacked server)
: Special Defacement (Defacement on educational or government website)
Archived : Defacement has been verified and archived to ours system
OnHold : Defacement not verified by ours system
- 17 Aug. 2021
1319 days ago
HaxorID New Domain
What's News?
HaxorID now can be access using new domain www.haxor.id
- 1 Aug. 2021
- 16 Jul. 2021
1351 days ago
HaxorID v1.2 Released
What's News?
Rule Notify
Attacker Rank
Team Rank
Contact Us
About Us
Terms of Services
- 29 Jun. 2021
- 19 Jun. 2021
1378 days ago
HaxorID v1.0 Released
First Release Feature:
Single Notify
Mass Notify
Archive Special
Archive OnHold
Archive Attacker
Archive Team
- 05 Aug. 2020